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The lonely man says he's not shy after buying a sex doll worth £ 1,100 to go out with him during the blockade of COVID-19

Geplaatst op 07 februari 2021 om 04:06 uur

The lonely man says he's not shy after buying a sex doll worth £ 1,100 to go out with him during the blockade of COVID-19Scott Pearson is a 53-year-old man who has been single for nearly 20 years. Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, everyone is isolated, so he chose to buy a sex doll that looks like Janet Jackson. He added that a sex doll he named Chianna was dating him during a lonely night while he was quarantined alone. Kitchen porter Pearson said his unsociable working hours made it difficult for him to maintain relationships with women.
 For this reason, the sex doll is his perfect companion. The lonely man says he's not shy after buying a sex doll worth £ 1,100 to go out with him during the blockade of COVID-19 Pearson says he's not ashamed to have a sex dollThis lonely singleton lives in Brighton, East Sussex. He said he didn't like to call Kianna a "sex doll." Rather, he prefers to call it a "love doll" or "partner." Pearson also emphasized that he was not ashamed to own a sex doll. This is because he believes he hasn't done anything wrong. In addition, Pearson revealed that he had been married for 10 years before.

Unfortunately, his marriage ended in a painful divorce in 2001. In his love doll, Pearson said he didn't have to experience a broken heart again. He also added that he works long hours and does not have time to deal with relationships with human women. He added that he likes to have his own space to have peace and tranquility. However, it is important for all individuals to release tension. In fact, Pearson admitted that he was very frustrated at work before buying a sex doll. But now that he has Kianna, he said he is happier. This is because the love doll made him so calm and not lonely. Feelings of a sex doll as a life partnerPearson said he didn't think it was weird when asked what it was like to be in bed with a love doll. In fact, it's like having sex with a real person. A lonely man says he's not shy after buying a sex doll worth £ 1,100 to go out with him during the blockade of COVID-19 In addition, he evaluates the thermoplastic elastomer or TPE materials used to make love dolls. This is because this material made the doll feel like a real human being. He said his love doll is a soft rubber with a metal skeleton. For this reason, hugging Pearson with Kianna while watching TV feels like hugging with a real woman.


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